You know you need to continually stay in front of your prospects and your customers, not just to maintain your business, but to grow it as well. While personal visits, and handwritten cards and letters are always your best bet, they are almost never practical, for two strong reasons: Time and Money.
That leaves email. Email is cheap and if done on a regular basis to people who know you, like you and trust you, it is highly effective.

(Just to be clear here, we are not talking about SPAM. When you are sending SPAM, you are sending emails to people who do not want to receive your emails, no matter how valuable YOU think the content is)
So you know you need to stay in regular contact, and you know you need to use email…now what? How exactly do you figure out what to send and how often to send, while keeping the content interesting and valuable to your customers and prospects?
An email autoresponder service is the answer.
An autoresponder is a powerful email marketing tool that will automatically provide information to your prospects, via email, and then follow up using a series of marketing emails at preset intervals.
This process is often referred to as email marketing campaigns, sequential autoresponders, or email series. An autoresponder would have a generic message tanking the sender with a promise to speedily resolve any issues.
These types of emails need to be developed in such a manner that they are not considered spam when sent to a recipient. Outsourced ASP models of autoresponders are configurable through a web based control panel. They work on the provider’s infrastructure too.
Server side is a type of autoresponder that allows you to install the system on your own server with sufficient technical skills.
An autoresponder specialist is able to setup the entire system with technical skills. If you’re looking for an autoresponder that works with your electronic mailing list; then the services of a freelancer is key.
Confirming subscriptions, confirmation of unsubscribes, list activities as well as any other posts are some of the cases that this system is used. Autoresponder support specialists maintain the system effectively.
This system converts anonymous website visitors into subscribers, build long term relationships with subscribers and has the capabilities of a marketing function. Furthermore, they generate repeat sales due to constant communication and ensure better e-mail delivery.
Autoresponder services
One question new marketers, website owners, and influencers tend to be unsure of is "what are the best autoresponders and email marketing services available?"
Well after 12 years in the business, I think I have a pretty good idea having tested and used more services than I care to remember, but for you my special people I will at least round up the autoresponder services worth mentioning.
There are so many companies which provide auto-responder service
please find the below top seven services.
One thing I can say is that email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing tactics available to the digital entrepreneur and is one of the first things I do when setting up a new project or online business idea.
So if you are just starting out you should set one of these up at the same time as building your website, YouTube channel or whatever platform you are using to build a brand and gain influence.